Friday, February 11, 2011

Everything happens for a reason!

So you know when people say everything happens for a reason? I am genuinely starting to believe that. I know it seems like the worst thing possible when you're in the middle of a hard time, but when you finally see the light at the end of the tunnel, that's when it applies most.

 I feel like people don't want to think that their problem will ever get better, and I understand the whole mourning process, but at some point you have to move on. Sometimes that's the only thing you can do: move on. Moving on will help with the situation, and that's when you find the reasons that your trouble happened for. Whether those reasons are to make you stronger, to make you a better friend, or to help teach others, in the end, it was part of your plan. That plan that people call life.

So think positive. Even if the world seems like it's going to end tomorrow, there's a reason for that feeling. And who knows, maybe what you lost will just come back again. If and when it does, learn from your mistake, care for it, and guard it with your life. For you know what life was like without it.

    My only last advice...

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