Sunday, December 12, 2010

a few thoughts

Live to please yourself, not others around you. Be selfish sometimes. Make decisions in life that benefit you, because in the end, your happiness is all you can control.

So the creator of these 3D sidewalk drawings is so talented. I'd like to meet him/her and watch them for hours.
next generation; it's sad but true.
I hate how we always want what we can't have. I know that's part of life; there will always be someone with more than you, but there will always be someone with less than you. It's a vicious, and truthfully, a demoralizing cycle. If only I had this much more money so I could buy this, go there, and have that. It's always what more can I get. It's hard living in such a materialistic place; I admittedly forget about the people that wish for a few more dollars to fill their babies' bellies. As we ask for iPhones and laptops and Christian Louboutins this Christmas, just remember those that don't have anything. And for those of you that say, why, I can't change're ignorance makes me sick. If you want to see a change, you have to be the change. Things won't get better unless we make them.

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