Sunday, December 19, 2010


The sound of it could put me to sleep. I think us California kids make such a big deal out of it 'cause it's a rare treat for us. Ask a kid in Seattle, and see how much he likes the rain. That tends to happen a lot. We cherish things more when they are special occasions. We make such a big deal of Christmas because it only happens once a year. Christmas wouldn't be as special or as exciting if it happened every other month. It's like rain in the desert. It's only special because we don't get it every month. I love what rain brings with it; the freedom to lay in bed for hours listening to Jack Johnson, being able to turn on the fire, turning off the lights and listening to the drums of the roof. I love watching the rain because I can feel all troubles and tensions being washed away; or maybe its the idea of dancing in the rain-carelessly-getting drenched and being okay with it. I love everything the rain does: makes the streets glow, makes the air smell clean, gives a twinkle to the trees, and when it's all over, it brings a rainbow. I should probably move somewhere where it rains more than 30 days a year.

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