Thursday, December 9, 2010

I don't really know where I'm going

but who does? I'm so confused as to what I'm supposed to be doing. I feel like I have so much going on right now, but what does that mean for me in the future. I try not to stress about it too much, but I plan and organize like it's my job. Don't you hate that question, "what do you want to be when you grow up?" I don't know okay, and I don't think I'll ever know. I think I'll be fifty one day and still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. Maybe that's just it though. Maybe I don't want to grow up, or even better, maybe I don't want to be anything. Isn't just being good enough? I'm currently doing what's making me happy. I don't really know if that is right, or if that is what is intended. I have no idea where I'll be in 10 years. I have an idea of where I want to be, but God knows how many times that will change. I'm jealous of the people that have their life planned out; the ones that are certain of their purpose. I'm kind of just living everyday in wait for the next. Hopefully things change soon. I'm not really sure if i like this; the whole living in the moment thing. I'm totally down for surprises and uncertainty, but I just want an answer: will I make it to Australia in the next few years? Will I one day become fluent in Swahili? These are my current goals, but I feel like life changes so rapidly and drastically as someone who's only 16 years young. The fear of the unknown controls me - I wish I had answers to everything - it consumes my every thought. 

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